Saturday, May 10, 2008

About this blog...

I was blogging before it was cool, before it was called blogging, and when it was back on AOL. Back when having graphics as a background on a web page was the de facto style and you had to learn quite a bit of HTML and markup just in order to write. I had numerous musing including (gasp!) poems, short stories, and a disproportionate amount of essays in a series titled, 'the next girlfriend'. I also had, interestingly, a lot of struggles with faith and surface level conflicts with evil's existence in a world created by a loving God.

Looking back, the reasons I wrote things like that is because I didn't have people to confide in and be vulnerable with. What I'm finding out is that I wasn't alone then in my yearning, and that society's comfort with being vulnerable is decreasing ever so gradually.

When I talk about being vulnerable, I mean sharing deep secrets, weaknesses, sins, hurts and longings that might make you appear weak, foolish, desperate or pathetic. I desperately want to have reciprocally vulnerable and authentic relationships with people I live life with.

So though the last few paragraphs might seem a little "all over the place" in terms of thought.. they allude to basically this: My writings in this blog won't be a place to be vulnerable with the world. I have a wonderful wife and great friends to do that with. Writing here will be more about ideas and less about needing an outlet. It's very freeing indeed!

1 comment:

Jaime said...

i remember 'i need a haircut", "I got a haircut". unfortunately.